All about us…

We are a body of believers in`Christ who live in the hope of eternal life with JESUS CHRIST (Titus 1:2, 3.). We hold sacred this truth “Christ in you is the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:2713). which hope transcends this present world (1 Corinthians 15:19)

Our core values…

We value people above programs, love above liberty, fellowship above familiarity, and faithfulness above frivolity. We are an authentic community and desire that everyone should express themselves unto God in a fashion that is holy and righteous while being real to themselves, others and their community (Romans 12:1-5; 1 Corinthians 12:27:1 Peter 2:9-12).

Our mission…

We value people above programs, love above liberty, fellowship above familiarity, and faithfulness above frivolity. We are an authentic community and desire that everyone should express themselves unto God in a fashion that is holy and righteous while being real to themselves, others and their community
(Romans 12:1-5; 1 Corinthians 12:27:1 Peter 2:9-12).

Our cardinal pillars…

Evangelism – (Matthew 28:18-20: Mark 16:15: Acts 1:8)
Discipleship – (Mark 3:13-15: Acts 11:22-26)
Responsible Church Membership – (Matthew 5:13-16;
Romans – 13:1-8; 1Peter 2:13-21).
Mission – (Matthew 10:6-8: Mark 6:6-7.12-13: Acts 15:36)